
FOR THE LOVE OF childhood
One day, they'll grow up and become more attuned to the ordinary normality of everyday life. But for a brief, magical period time, the world is a kingdom of exploration.
Wild, raucous laughter, roaring as they tear around another corner. Sticky fingers that cause an eye roll, the most gorgeously soft skin, eyes that look up into yours and ask you a million questions. It’s the perfect time to capture. Investing in family photography is a love note, from you to your child. A promise of adoration, of cherishing that moment in time that they once lived through. They will treasure that love note for years to come. Its value will only grow, an investment that simply can’t be matched.
Available as either an indoor or outdoor photoshoot. It will be child focused, relaxed, full of laughter whilst also leaving time for those quiet moments of intimacy. The photoshoot will last around 1 hour. I will allow for truly candid moments and also offer direction when I see the potential for a perfect shot.
Summer sees us running wild and free, the late summer sun setting in a hazy glow around us. An image from a child's story book. As soon as we hit that beautiful time of year where blossom peeks out, grass gets lush, skies clearer, I can think of nowhere I would rather be than outdoors. Luckily British spring can come as early as March and summer can last as long as September so we have most of the year to run riot.
Winter: the air is crisp, the boots are on, shouts of joy echo through the park. We'll encapsulate autumn's warm, earthy colour palette. Rich in tone, gorgeous in its moodiness. Don the hand knit jumpers, the woollen scarfs trailing on the ground, the winter boots all the better for stomping with.
Alternatively, there's no place like home. Your space, your walls, your world. The family home is rooted in memory; it's where the playing, laughing, dancing, growing up happens. I'll encourage play and possibly activities to happen but also create space for cuddles and whispered moments.
When is the best time to book a photoshoot?Maternity: 28-36 weeks is the ideal window for having your maternity photographs. Booking at your 12 week scan gives you something to look forward to and also avoids you missing out on a slot! Newborn: Anytime within the first 10 weeks is counted as newborn. An ideal time for tiny newborn photographs is around the 2 week mark. Family: Now! Literally, there is no better time to capture your loved ones that right away. Capture them, when your tiny people are still tiny. My photoshoot slots get booked up about 3 months in advance, so it is advised to get in touch now to secure your slot.
Whereabouts are you based?I mainly cover locations in Buckinghamshire and London, however I am open to going further afield. If your chosen spot is a lot further, there will be a travel fee added to your final price.
What should we wear?It is the question I get asked the most. Don't worry, you're in safe hands. I have a Welcome Guide that will get sent to you upon booking which runs through all my advice and guidance on outfits and the best colours to go for. I also encourage plenty of conversations about this so that you feel comfortable going into the photoshoot itself. I also have a Client Wardrobe which can be used. I have a blog post that goes into a little more details here:
How many photographs are in a full gallery?Around 80-100 photographs will be in a full gallery.
What if we are not good in front of the camera?Hardly anyone feels naturally photogenic, I promise you are not alone in that. I pride myself on being able to make the photoshoot experience a relaxing one. It is child focused, meaning that my direction will always be about focusing on your little ones. You can breath a sigh of relief knowing that we will get a gallery of photographs that feel authentically un-staged. I let the moments happen as they happen, and when I see the opportunity for a beautiful photograph, I gently direct towards this. I have a blog post that goes into more detail here:
My child won’t sit stillNo problem, we'll capture them on the move. I will of course encourage lots of physical interaction like cuddles and throwing them in the air, which means we don't have a gallery full of them running away from us.
Can we have extended family?Absolutely. The maximum number of people involved in a family photoshoot is 6. If you have more than this, that is totally fine and I love capturing extended family, but there will be an additional fee per person. This allows us extra time needed to capture the additional people, meaning we aren't rushed and can be relaxed!
Can we print our photos with you?YES! I am the biggest cheerleader for having your photographs treasured in physical form. Digital is great, but physical is forever. I have a Printing Guide that gets sent out to you which details the prices of various prints and the sizes you are able to order. Make your moments, into art that you can hang on your wall.
What if the weather is bad?If our photoshoot is scheduled to be outdoors, I will do a 3 day check in with you to do our first weather check. If it looks like it is going to rain we can talk about Plan B options, which would involve either moving it to an indoor photoshoot in the comfort of your own home, or postponing to the next available date for the both of us.
What time can we do our photoshoot?I photograph on most days of the week, but the weekends get booked up really far in advance. If the photoshoot is outdoors there is a morning slot or a late afternoon slot (late afternoon is only available in the Spring/Summer). If your photoshoot is indoors I will advise a late morning time.
How long does it take to get our gallery back?It depends on my editing pile at the time of the photoshoot, but on average about 10-14 days.


I would absolutely love to document your family and capture your beautiful moments. Let me create you a gallery that is natural, full of laughter, the occasional bottom lip, hair blowing in the breeze, or soft and cocooned at home. A gallery that will have you looking back over the years and saying 'Yes, that's how it was.'
For full details, including my Pricing Guide, please get in touch below.