So, you’ve had the first thought of ‘Hm maybe I should book a photoshoot in to capture this point in time for us’ or perhaps ‘I am in no photos with my little one, it’s all just photos of them and other people on my phone’ or ‘Oh my goodness they’re getting big so quickly, I can’t believe how quickly they’ve grown’. Yes, everyone feels the same! The point is, I’m here to help you check it off your list.
I believe regardless of whereabouts in your story you are, your photographs should be a celebration of just that.
Maternity, newborn or family photoshoots are an investment into your future self’s happiness. Money paid now, for something that will cause a smile to spread across your face, or your eyes to well up, again and again and again. It’s for your future children to look at and use to piece together their own story, their family history. Photographs end up being all we have of a person, so their value is infinite.
After having the initial thought that you want to get some photographs professionally taken, it can feel a bit overwhelming in working out where to go next. My main purpose is to make the whole process as easy as possible for you, it should be a lovely experience from the moment we start.
SO, when should you book?
Maternity sessions are beyond beautiful. Often I get people saying ‘I thought I wasn’t going to book one in, but I am so pleased I ended up doing it!’. I also had a recent Mum to be comment on her maternity photographs ‘I can’t believe that’s me! I am so impressed.’
9 months seems like a really long time, but in reality it is fleeting and it will absolutely fly by. You’ll pass the 12 week mark, and then the half way point, then you’ll be realising you don’t actually have that long left!
The best point to book in with me is anytime from the 12 week scan. It’s great to get your slot sorted as early as possible so that you don’t end up leaving it till the last minute. It’s great to have it as something to look forward to also! The best time to schedule it for is somewhere between 28-36 weeks. This way, normally the bump is doing its thing and looking beautiful, but it’s not too last minute for you.

The newborn stage is DREAMY. I can guarantee you’ll look back on those first set of photographs in the months afterwards and gasp at how tiny they were. My newborn photoshoots are a powerful way of documenting such a significant part of your journey and they relish the details that will embed themselves into your heart.
The photoshoot is warm, slow paced and relaxed. It allows for feeding time (a moment which if you would like to, I love to capture) as well as time to document all the newborn goodness both on their own, with siblings and with you. I do newborn photoshoots up to the first 10 weeks.
The earliest I have captured is 3 days old, but anywhere between the 2-6 weeks is what I recommend for the super cuddly, sleepy, tiny stage.

For your family photoshoot, the right time to book is NOW! There is no wrong time.
Your kids will grow a bit each day, and by the time a few months have passed you’ll be looking at a slightly more grown up child. Remember, right now, you’re there entire world. They’ll absolutely love an hour of quality time with you, running around, cuddling and capturing it all as we go. As your family photographer I will allow for truly candid moments and also offer direction when I see the potential for a perfect shot.

I would so love to hear from you, and have a little chat about what kind of photoshoot you're after! There's nothing I love more than hearing about your little family, about the kind of photographs you imagine being up on your walls. Drop me a message below and we can have a chat.
Ruby x